Thursday, April 30, 2020

30 - Poems Can Endlessly Mix and Match Writing Techniques

Welcome to my 2020 National Poetry Month Project
See My Last 10 Poetry Projects HERE

Each day of April 2020, I will share three things:
  • A dice roll of three word dice
  • A video explaining one poetic technique titled POEMS CAN... You can also find these at Sharing Our Notebooks as part of my ongoing Keeping a Notebook project
  • A poem inspired by one or more of the dice words and the technique

Here are All of This Month's Poems:

April 5 - Poems Can Borrow a Pattern from the World
April 6 - Poems Can Define a Word
April 7 - Poems Can Rhyme
April 8 - Poems Can Not Rhyme
April 9 - Poems Can be Written in Stanzas
April 10 - Poems Can Ask Questions
April 11 - Poems Can Be Circles
April 12 - Poems Can Be Songs
April 13 - Poems Can List
April 14 - Poems Can Repeat Words and Lines
April 15 - Poems Can Spell a Word with the First Letters of Lines
April 16 - Poems Can Give Nonhuman Qualities to Humans
April 17 - Poems Can Include Sound Words (Onomatopoeia)
April 18 - Poems Can Repeat the Beginning Sounds of Words
April 19 - Poems Can Describe a Person, Place, Thing, or Idea
April 20 - Poems Can Emphasize a Word with a One-Word Line
April 21 - Poems Can Give Advice
April 22 - Poems Can Be Written in the Voice of Another
April 23 - Poems Can Borrow a Writing Structure or Format
April 24 - Poems Can Slow Down Toward the End
April 25 - Poems Can Play with Words
April 26 - Poems Can Compare and Contrast
April 27 - Poems Can Include Facts
April 28 - Poems Can Answer "What If..."
April 29 - Poems Can Address - Speak To - Someone or Something (Apostrophe)
April 30 (Today!) - Poems Can Endlessly Mix and Match Writing Techniques

And now, for today's words! 

Day 30 Words
Photo by Amy LV

Here is something very special for anyone who wishes to learn to draw these little creatures. I am so grateful to be connected to this fun! Thank you, Sheila and Noreen.

Click the Box to Enlarge

The lessons from this month can mostly all be found in my book POEMS ARE TEACHERS: HOW STUDYING POETRY STRENGTHENS WRITING IN ALL GENRES. This book includes poems by over 50 contemporary poets and over 100 students between grades 2 and 8 along with my thoughts and book and resource suggestions.

Thank you for joining me on this National Poetry Month journey! I will now go back to posting here on Fridays and will continue teaching weekday Keeping a Notebook lessons out of Betsy the Writing Camper until all students back at school.


Antoinette Wishes You a Happy May!
Photo by Amy LV

Please share a comment below if you 


  1. Ahh...a quiet ending for Antoinette that ties so nicely back to the beginning and looks forward to the future. I went with a quiet ending that looks forward, too, just not connected to my beginning poem.

  2. Oh happy and sad to wish Antoinette and her friends a quiet , peaceful winter wherever they may be. A poem can touch the heart and make us think. And as you said, can do practically anything. Thank you for this, Amy. Farewell to Glorious and Sonata and little robin, too. And you. Looking forward to checking out your writing notebook chats. So many to catch up on.

  3. I love the gentle peace of this poem, Amy. Tea, a book, and a nap is the wonderful idea any day.

  4. Such a bittersweet ending. I have so enjoyed watching your process and your story of Antoinette!

  5. Such a pleasure to read your poems this month. I love that the students are drawing and creating books.
