Thursday, January 16, 2025

Celebrate Secondhand Objects

Everything Thrifted
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Every bit of clothing you see in the photo above was owned by someone (or someones) before me. The hat belonged to my former and now deceased English Professor Julia Walker, the silk scarf came from a thrift store about a year ago, and I just purchased the blue corduroy jacket with its velvet cuffs and collar earlier this week. Yay for old clothing owned once by others! My good friend Katie has a motto - "Secondhand first," a motto I believe is very wise. Not only do we save money when we buy used, we also preserve stories and protect the planet by conserving resources. So...if you have ever wondered about thrifting, please know that I am 100% Team Thrift, celebrating the preservation of stories and resources.

Today's poem is about one thrifted item, my "new" blue coat. When I saw it hanging on the rack this week, I knew it would be mine next. And I do so love imagining the memories and stories and songs that used jackets and scarves and shirts and skirt hold from their former owner (owners?)

Do you own an article of clothing or a toy or another object that was once owned by someone else? What is this object? What memories do you believe it still might hold? You may wish to pretend that this object is talking to you, sharing memories of its past. Do these memories make you laugh? Cry? Write about what you imagine, what you wonder, what you think, what you believe.

It is environmentally sound and poetic to buy used. Be like my friend Katie. Remember her words, "Secondhand first." You help the planet...and you can imagine some good stories too.

If you're interested, here is my messy, crossed-out draft for today's poem. Celebrate the discovery of the just-right word! It takes time, dear friends, time. 

Glorious Messy Draft
Click to Enlarge
Photo by Amy LV

Thank you to Tricia for hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at The Miss Rumphius Effect with a celebration of typewriters (and inspiration for me to pull out my old orange typewriter!) Each Friday, all are invited to share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship in this open and welcoming poetry community.



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