Friday, July 15, 2016

For My Faraway Friend - Poems about Real Feelings

Cat in La Alberca, Spain
Photo by Amy LV

Students - I just returned from a week in La Alberca, Spain, as part of a program that included both Spanish and English speaking adults.  It was a beautiful time, and in one short week, all of us became good friends.  Now, we are all back or heading back to our own homes, knowing how far away we all live from each other, wondering if we will ever meet again.  It reminded me of my childhood days at summer camp, when a week can begin with complete strangers and end with dear friends.

So, today's poem is about the real feelings I have in my heart right now.  Though I took many actual photographs of the time with my new Spanish and Anglo friends, I also took pictures with my heart.  And those will always be with me.

What feelings are in your heart right now?  There are probably many, feelings right in the living room of your heart, and feelings in the attic too.  Poke around.  You might just find a poem idea in there.

Mary Lee is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at A Year of Reading.  Visit her place to find out what all of the moo-ing is all about!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Lovely! Safe travels, and I look gorward to hearing more soon! :-)

  2. Love you, my faraway friend! Love your way with words. They touch the most delicate cords in our hearths and souls. Thank you for making this troubled world kinder place. Safe travels. <3

  3. To have a friend such as this....a priceless gift. I pray I can be this kind of friend. Wonderful words, Amy. Enjoy every moment in Spain.

  4. I feel like this about the friends I made in Africa. The memories will fade, but I am gathering pictures to keep them stronger. I love how you capture exactly what I am feeling in your poems.

  5. I'd like to sit beside you with that scrapbook and hear all the stories!

  6. Gurl, you can write your face off! What a rich, universal topic. And done is a poetic way that only you know how to do. ALV POWER!
