
Friday, May 6, 2016

Mother's Day - Writing Presents for Those We Love

Debby Ludwig and Me 1995
Photo by Wedding Photographer (?)

Students - Mother's Day is Sunday! And today's poem is dedicated to my own wonderful mother, Debby Ludwig, a great human being, retired fourth grade teacher, and inspiration to me.  I am very lucky to be her child and to share her with my wonderful sister Heidi.

Holidays are a beautiful time to pick up your pen and write a tribute poem or a letter to someone you love. And we moms love the things that our children make so much.  Words are little presents, better than any object on any shelf in any store.

I would call today's poem a "thinking to yourself poem" because that's exactly how it sounds, like a person thinking to her or himself.  If you have something on your mind, you might try this out. Such thinking-on-the-page gives a poem a conversational sound.

It's a delight this week to be visiting Brave Writer's Poetry Teatime this week as part of an interview and podcast with Julie Bogart about...poetry!

And over at Sharing Our Notebooks, I am thrilled to welcome my poetry friend, the talented Laura Shovan with her process piece about THE LAST FIFTH GRADE OF EMERSON ELEMENTARY.  Enjoy learning all about the planning of her fabulous new verse novel, and leave a comment to be entered into a giveaway for a signed copy!

Sylvia is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup over at Poetry for Children with some wonderful resources and books for celebration mothers.  

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. What a beautiful bride and mother of the bride! Love your MD poem, Amy!

  2. Yes, what Jama said--you and your mom look so happy in this photo. Lovely poem.

  3. What a beautiful photograph, Amy - I love the expression on your mother's face - so proud and happy. Lovely poem to celebrate your mother...and mothers every where.

  4. Wow, Amy! This is just a beautiful tribute to your mom. As a mom, I agree that those heartfelt gifts are by far the best! Enjoy your Mother's Day!

  5. I love the picture of you as a bride and with your mother, Amy. It, and the poem is the sweetest! Happy Mother's Day to you, and to your mom.

  6. Love that wedding picture with your mom looking at you with nothing but love. Poems are a wonderful gift. Your Poem Farm is a wonderful gift.

  7. A blooming bride, and a beaming mom -- beautiful!

    (Love the poem, too!)

  8. Thanks for sharing this beautiful Mother's Day poem (and sweet photo) for Poetry Friday. I love reading your words and can hear your voice throughout!

  9. You look like a woodland sprite in your greenery and finery, Amy, and your mother looks young and beautiful. What magic elixir have you found? :-) Happy Mother's Day to your mom! What a fine daughter she raised and supports. Blessings.

  10. This is a woman who loves nature! What a nice picture of you & your mom. And I'm sure she always preferred the poems and letters over all the other gifts!

  11. Gorgeous picture, and YES to your lovely poem. I echo others in loving your woodsy, flowery, blossoming bride-ness!
