
Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1 - Goodbye Wallow in Wonder & Giveaway Winner

Thank you, Wallowers...

And that, my friends, was Wallow in Wonder, my 2016 National Poetry Month Project.

It was wonderful (smile) to write poems all month from the daily Wonders at Wonderopolis.  As I did with my Dictionary Hike in 2012, I looked to surprise myself with new inspiration daily.  This year, such inspiration showed up in my inbox each morning.  I printed out every day's Wonderopolis Wonder, read, thought, wrote, rewrote, recorded, and made paintings inspired by each one.

Here are all thirty poems, including four sonnets, a few free verse, and a smattering of everything else!

Wallow in Wonder 2016

April 1 - So Suddenly - a poem inspired by Wonder #1659 
April 2 - Thankful Journal - a poem inspired by Wonder #1660
April 3 - The Storm Chaser - a poem inspired by Wonder #779
April 4 - A Jar of Glitter - a poem inspired by Wonder #641
April 5 - To Make Compost - a poem inspired by Wonder #1661
April 6 - Deciding Now - a poem inspired by Wonder #1662
April 7 - Hummingbird's Secret - a poem inspired by Wonder #1663
April 8 - Limits - a poem inspired by Wonder #1664
April 9 - Sundogs - a poem inspired by Wonder #1665
April 10 - Perspective - a poem inspired by Wonder #128
April 11 - At the History Museum - a poem inspired by Wonder #115
April 12 - Seventy-Five Years Ago Today - a poem inspired by Wonder #1666
April 13 - Homer's Poem - a poem inspired by Wonder #1667
April 14 - The Right - a poem inspired by Wonder #1668
April 15 - 5:00 am - a poem inspired by Wonder #1669
April 16 - Writing - a poem inspired by Wonder #1670
April 17 - Sometimes - a poem inspired by Wonder #194
April 18 - Once - a poem inspired by Wonder #192
April 19 - Eat It - a poem inspired by Wonder #1671
April 20 - Chatty Green Tomato - a poem inspired by Wonder #1672
April 21 - This Argument We're Having - a poem inspired by Wonder #1673
April 22 - After a Week in Foster Care - a poem inspired by Wonder #1674
April 23 - Pay Attention - a (recycled) poem inspired by Wonder #1675
April 24 - Please Don't Ask - a poem inspired by Wonder #201
April 25 - Mama Kangaroo's Poem - a poem inspired by Wonder #447
April 26 - Not Anymore - a poem inspired by Wonder #1676
April 27 - If We Were Whales - a poem inspired by Wonder #1677
April 28 - Written on a Paper Airplane - a poem inspired by Wonder #1678
April 29 - Under My Umbrella - a poem inspired by Wonder #1679
April 30 - Paper - a poem inspired by Wonder #1680

Thank you once more for joining me on this thirty day journey.  It has been a pleasure to wonder and wallow with you all.  Here is a post that shows the power of connection, one class inspired by another, at Mandy Robek's Enjoy and Embrace Learning.  How fortunate we all are to have each other.

And's May, and time to announce this week's giveaway winner!

Congratulations to Carol Varsalona, winner of this week's giveaway of A WRITING KIND OF DAY by Ralph Fletcher.  Carol, please send your snail mail address to amy at amylv dot com, and I will send your book to you.

Much gratitude to Emily Callahan and her fourth grade poets who inspired this giveaway here at the end of National Poetry Month.  If you have not yet read their post here at The Poem Farm, you can do so HERE.

Happy May Day!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Happy May Day & Happy Winner, to Carol!
    I look forward to catching up to the month's poems, Amy.
    And appreciations for their reminder to be open to the Wonder.

  2. What a wonderful poetry month you had and shared. Thank you.
