Friday, May 1, 2020

Books Can Inspire Poems

Books in My Brain
by Amy LV

Today I am thinking about the books that make me me. We each have books that change us and that help us think and feel and grow in new ways. Remembering such books can take us on journeys of joy and discovery. 

To write this poem, I first drew and listed some books that have made a difference in my life. Then I wrote a little bit and decided to write about Charlotte. I have written about her before, in my poem Stories from my book READ! READ! READ! with Ryan O'Rourke.

You know what the funny thing is? I did not even remember that I had written about Charlotte in this book until AFTER I wrote today's poem. I certainly have learned many things from this wee, wise spider.

Click to Enlarge
by Amy LV and Ryan O'Rourke

We are lucky enough to have some young writers exploring this idea of writing-from-books with us today. Welcome to Mrs. Iwanicki's third grade writers from Seymour School in East Granby, CT! They are my #KidsNeedMentors class, and they generously shared these poems so that we can all enjoy their words.

Click to Enlarge

Thank you very much to these thoughtful young readers and writers. I imagine that many of you are thinking about books that have changed you...and you, too, might choose to write notebook entries and perhaps even poems about these books and characters.

Liz is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup over at Elizabeth Steinglass with a delightful reading of her wonderful book SOCCERVERSE. Teachers, this video will be up for two weeks with permission of Boyds Mills and Kane, so don't miss!

As for Poetry Friday, we invite everybody to join in each Friday as we share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship. Check out my left sidebar to learn where to find this poetry goodness each week of the year.

Happy, Healthy May! 

Please share a comment below if you 


  1. I’m always filled with books and love the idea of writing a poem from inspiration of one of them. I’m very much enjoying your daily notebook chats. My notebook is extra full these last several weeks. Xo

  2. What a wonderful post! I love the poems kids shared. How brave of them...and how supportive of you to feature them. I love the poem about Charlotte. It's so special and holds just the right amount of emotion...I start to tear up...but not quite.

  3. Amy, that's so funny how you didn't remember the other poem until after you wrote this one. Isn't it funny how we do that, come back again and again to very specific things that we love?

  4. Your poem makes me want to re-read Charlotte's Web!

  5. Charlotte's Web has been a favorite of mine. When I taught 3rd grade, I'd read it aloud every year and cry at the end every time.

  6. I love the idea of book character poems!

  7. This is the 2nd time Charlotte's web has come up this week! During a private ZOOM with one of my kindergarteners the other day the child said, "Hey, Mrs. Wyman. Do you know the movie Charlotte's Web?" To which I replied, "I sure do, and the book's great, too!" LOL! I love your poem, and what wonderful work from your friends in CT. Huzzah! xxx -- Christie @

  8. Very special poems from those third graders, Amy. I am in awe of the students you have inspired, this past April & always, really. A friend gave me Charlotte's Web read by E.B. White when my mother died, a most thoughtful gift I have loved for a long time.

  9. Charlotte's Web is special to me, as well. I won a copy when I was, I don't know, 8 maybe? For naming a tooth mascot during Dental Hygiene Week at my school. Don't ask me what healthy teeth have to do with Charlotte's web, though. No clue.
