
Friday, December 8, 2017

Whip Up a Recipe Poem!

by Amy LV

Students - Today's poem grew from our new snow outside and from a new habit I have of making lists of things that make me happy.  I keep these lists in my notebook. Here's a snip of one from earlier this week.  You can see it has a wintry theme because winter is now here in Western New York.

Happy List
by Amy LV

I have always found lists to be helpful jumping off points for writing poems.  And sometimes the lists turn INTO poems as in the one you read above.  You might wish to try to write a recipe poem sometime too.  It could be about anything: Recipe for Friendship, Recipe for Good Sleep, Recipe for Befriending Cats...who knows? Recipes are almost like magic spells, and poems are almost like magic spells too...

My wish for you this week is that you will find and make time for many small things that make you happy.  This is my own goal these days, to put down my electronics and to make applesauce, fold Froebel stars, and spend more time outside. The busier life gets, the more important I find these things to be.

Teachers - You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at @amylvpoemfarm.  In these places I share more bits and pieces of life, including interesting teaching links and photographs of The Poem Farm.

Over at my other blog, Sharing Our Notebooks, you can find a very cool peek into Julie Patterson's notebooks. Leave a comment...and you just may win a book!

Lisa is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup over at Steps and Staircases.  Please stop by if you'd like to visit many different blogs, all celebrating poetry.  We meet every week, and we welcome all!

Photo by Amy LV

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Sweet and comforting poem and pic, Amy! Love the idea of keeping lists too. :)

  2. I'm a big fan of lists, too. I love the simplicity of your poem. So true! No snow yet here in Wisconsin (it's due tonight), but you've inspired me to write a recipe poem about this morning's walk with the dog. Thank you!

  3. Sweet, simple--the epitome of contentment and joy. Our versions overlap :) Thanks for reminding me to savor the simple things and for this great format. I feel a poem coming on!

  4. This poem puts ME in a happy mood. I've been over busy this season and crave time to slow down. I love that this poem on this Poetry Friday does that. Thank you.

  5. List poems make the topic right there, offered for the reader's joy, too. Love this, Amy!

  6. This is a delicious recipe indeed. I agree that lists are most helpful--much better than staring at a blank page!

  7. Thanks for sharing your recipe poem, and a snapshot of your list, Amy. Lists and recipes are ways to get ideas flowing!

  8. Definitely a recipe for contentment! Thanks, Amy.

  9. Lovely heartfelt poem Amy! I love the idea of making a list of things that make us happy, thanks!

  10. Thank you for the list...and for the wish! Back atcha!!
