
Friday, November 24, 2017

Write on the Day After a Big Day

This Morning
Photo by Amy LV

Students - I like holidays.  But I also like the days before and after holidays.  And I like thinking about and writing about the times before and after holidays too.  Sometimes I am reminded that any day can feel important.  For me, today is a quiet home day, a day to remember who I am and what matters most to me.  Today's poem celebrates being not-busy, and as I wrote it, I recommitted to gratitude and to trying to be a less busy person.  Today's poem is about the peace I feel inside when I just slow down.

Slowing down is good for writers.  It is good and healthy for all of us humans.  Cats too, I imagine.  

It is wonderful to host Julie Patterson and her notebooks over at Sharing Our Notebooks this month.  Please stop by my other online home and take a peek into her pages...leave a comment, and you may just win a book!

Carol is hosting today's Poetry Friday party over at Carol's Corner.  Please join us at her place for the weekly roundup and to celebrate a new book by Carole Boston Weatherford.  All are always welcome to join in Poetry Friday, a time for friends old and new to gather and share.

I am thankful for you.


Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Amy, this lovely celebration reminds me of a poem that was posted on Parker J. Palmer's Facebook page this week. You might want to check it out.

  2. Sarah and I talked about how fun today would be, staying home and doing all the things we love to do, at home. You've written it just right, Amy!

  3. I agree with you and your cat--so nice to enjoy the small things on a not-busy day at home.

  4. What Mary Lee said. Because Mary Lee just always gets it right.

  5. Yes, I agree too, for more unstructured, unplanned time to sit quietly and contemplate "the small things." Thanks Amy!

  6. I am reading Brene Brown's 'Gifts of Imperfection' and one of the things she really stresses is taking time out to refelct, as well as to play. Reflecting with a warm pet on one's lap (in my case it's my cat-dog) is particularly satisfying, I find.

  7. "Today we are home" - there's a world of warmth and contentment in that.

  8. I love the truth in this...the cat on the lap. Beautiful observation.

  9. That day is today (Saturday) for me. We are home, the heater is finally turned on, and I'm settling in with my pets. So much to be thankful for. I am so very thankful for you and your dedication to us.

  10. Oh yes, it is good to slow down and savor those quiet moments. Thank you for sharing a poem to remind us of those grateful moments.
