
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Writing the Rainbow Poem #16 - Periwinkle

Welcome to my National Poetry Month project for 2017!  Students - Each day of April 2017, I will close my eyes, and I will reach into my box of 64 Crayola crayons.

Aerial View of Crayola Box
Photo by Georgia LV

Each day I will choose a crayon (without looking), pulling this crayon out of the box. This daily selected crayon will in some way inspire the poem for the next day.  Each day of this month, I will choose a new crayon, thinking and writing about one color every day for a total of 30 poems inspired by colors.

As of April 2, it happened that my poems took a turn to all be from the point of view of a child living in an apartment building.  So, you'll notice this thread running through the month of colors. I'd not planned was a writing surprise.

I welcome any classrooms of poets who wish to share class poems (class poems only please) related to each day's color (the one I choose or your own).  Please post your class poem or photograph of any class crayon poem goodness to our Writing the Rainbow Padlet HERE.  (If you have never posted on a Padlet, it is very easy.  Just double click on the red background, and a box will appear.  Write in this box, and upload any poemcrayon sharings you wish.)

Here is a list of this month's Writing the Rainbow Poems so far:

And's crayon. Periwinkle!

by Amy LV

Students - Today's poem is a list poem.  Notice how the first stanza of this poem is simply a list of all the things our young friend does up on the rooftop.  Each of lines 2-7 begin with the word to followed by a verb, and each of these lines list one or two ways that our speaker spends time way up high. 

The second stanza is a reflection.  Our speaker tells us what is most important about this special spot.

If you are Writing the Rainbow with me, perhaps your color for today might make you think about a list of things associated with your color.  For me, I started generating my list as soon as I thought of the wordpair periwinkle air.  I'd also considered the wordpair: periwinkle raindrops, periwinkle coat, periwinkle walls... But periwinkle air won.

Consider a list followed by a reflection. It worked for me today - perhaps it will work for you too!

The weather was lovely today, and so I wrote outside.  Just brought a pile of books to my picnic table and sat in the evening sun to scribble away.

Evening Picnic Table
Photo by Amy LV

Do you think you discover different writing ideas when you write outside compared to the ideas you discover when writing inside?  I wonder...

Colors can take us anywhere.  And if you'd like to join in with your own poem at our Writing the Rainbow Padlet, please do! It is growing every day, full of ideas and poems by poets of all ages.

And please don't miss the links to all kinds of Poetry Month goodness up there in my upper left sidebar.  Happy sixteenth day of National Poetry Month!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. This is wonderful. I am so glad you came to write as one living in an apartment building. And that periwinkle air, terrific. Perfect, really. Your poetry gets better and better and you started at the top. Love your project and your post.
    Janet F.

  2. Periwinkle air. Love.

    (also, what Janet said!)

  3. After I posted I saw the "little" gift ! Your Revision poem is genius. I would hang it in my classroom AND over my own desk!!!
    xxoo to you, Amy.
    Brightening our days with colorful poetry.
    Janet F.
