
Friday, March 17, 2017

Looking, Thinking, and a Poetry Peek

Family Album Page by John Conolly
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Today, on St. Patrick's Day, I am finding myself thinking about my family and how they traveled over the ocean at different times to live here in the United States.  I took a bit of time to look at my mother's mother's father's photo album...and it got me thinking.

Consider taking time to look at some old pictures or old family belongings.  See what new thoughts they give to you.  You never know....

And now, a Poetry Peek!

Last week I was very lucky to visit several schools in Northern New Jersey.  One of these was Radburn Elementary School, and they held a poetry contest the week I visited.  Here are the two poets whose poems were selected by the school for sharing here at The Poem Farm.  So many congratulations to all who wrote....writing a poem is a present to yourself.  

Today, welcome to Ulee and Thanvi, whose poems explore questions and wonders. Enjoy their thoughtful poems, shared with us by Radburn principal Jill Lindsey.

Never Nothing

Thinking about nothing is thinking about something
Doing nothing is doing something
Being nowhere is being somewhere
When I'm up to nothing, I'm up to something
Because there is never nothing

An empty room is filled with air
Just as every head is filled with hair!

If an empty room is filled with air
And the action of doing nothing is doing something
What is an empty thought?
Without nothing, without something
Is that possible?
No, because there is never nothing.

by Ulee K., grade 5

What do Parents do?

What do parents do?
do dads work or
eat pizza all day?
what do parents do?
do moms cook
dinner or
watch TV until
they're asleep!
I do not know
what parents do
when I'm at
school but I
sure want to
now what they

by Thanvi Y., grade 2

Reading these poems may have reminded you of some questions that you wonder about.  As Ulee and Thanvi show us, things we wonder about can inspire strong poetry.

Happy week!

Please visit Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge this week for the Poetry Friday roundup, a weekly celebration of poetry and all of its goodnesses.

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Beautiful, Amy.....didn't know if the New World would be safe and kind....
    Each of us can make someone's new world safe and kind. This poem gives me that. Thank you, Amy.

  2. My ancestors took the leap, crossed the pond, teetered on that edge between brave and foolish. And here we are. Making art of it. Huzzah.

  3. It's humbling to think about the grit and bravery of our family members who set out upon that expanse of sea. Thanks for reminding us to think about that, and thanks to these two young poets who set us to thinking as well!

  4. Love those student questions! They are digging in and doing some good wondering AND some good poem-making. Good job, Ulee and Thanvi! Thanks for sharing, Amy.

  5. Thanks for your tender poem "Thinking" and for sharing your "teddy bear!" I enjoyed the students poem, especially the "Never Nothing," I think we did a nothing poem on Michelle Heidenrich Barnes' Todays Little Ditty a while back, they're a lot of fun.
