
Friday, March 31, 2017

Here's the Poetry Friday Roundup to Celebrate Poetry Friday Eve!

Dreaming of Poems
by Amy LV

Students - One hundred thousand welcomes, and happy almost National Poetry Month!  I feel lucky to host this Poetry Friday roundup, celebrating the last day of March and the threshold of National Poetry Month.  Many many warm springy and wordy wishes to the good, wise, kind friends that I have made here in this space.

Earlier this week, for The Poem Farm's 7th birthday, I announced this year's Poem Farm Poetry Month project.  

You can read about Writing the Rainbow HERE.  

If you missed it, please know that one commenter on that March 29 post (comment by April 12) will receive 10 copies of FOREST HAS A SONG to donate to children in special need of books. 

Congratulations to Linda Mitchell for winning the copy of Joyce Sidman's BEFORE MORNING from last week's Friday post. Linda, please drop me an e-mail to amy at amylv dot com, and I will get your beautiful book out to you. Thank you again to second grade teacher Mary Anne Sacco and her poets for their wondrous snow day poems.  Your copy of BEFORE MORNING will be in the mail this week as well!

And now, onto the roundup!  For any new visitors, Poetry Friday is a weekly tradition here in the kidlitosphere.  People of all kinds of poetry-loving stripes share Friday poem posts, visit each others' blogs, and learn about new poems and poets and books and ideas.  We welcome all people at all times.  Come on in...stay awhile. 

Click below to discover this week's collection of poetry paths to follow.  And if you have a blog with a bit of poetry to share, please link in with us.

I look forward to learning about all of the different poetry projects and celebrations happening throughout the month and encourage you to visit Jama at Jama's Alphabet Soup where, in addition to regular gorgeous blog posts, Jama rounds up Poetry Month projects each year.

See you tomorrow with my crayon pick #1!


Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Oh, Amy! I love your Night Before April poem. I wonder which kind of poet YOU are?

    I'm one of the mellow poets this year, because, though I'll still be writing a poem a day, I will only post them occasionally.

    I just returned from a wild, month-long adventure in New Zealand and Japan, where author Bruce Balan and I were invited to present in international schools.

    My post today (which goes live on Friday morning) reflects on these adventures.

    Thanks so much for hosting today ~ I look forward to your month of colors! <3

  2. Happy Poetry Month, Dear Amy, and thanks for hosting and ushering us through the "hidden doors" into seas of poems all month! Let the Wild Rumpus start.

  3. Happy April, Amy. I believe your poem included just about everyone! Thanks for hosting and giving us a special send-off!

  4. Hi Amy! Thank you for hosting on this auspicious Poetry Month Eve! I can't wait to see what every kind of poet has to offer this month! Best, BJ

  5. Dear Amy, thank you for hosting as we ring in the new year's National Poetry Month! Your poem is just right. Sweet dreams of poems to poets everywhere!

    Hugs and Happy Birthday to The Poem Farm

  6. Hello dear Amy,

    A thousand x 30 smiles back at you for this joyful poem riff on a tradition, which stirs my poetry month neurons.

    I especially love
    "They walked in the wind before going to bed."

    Appreciations for hosting, for creating, for sharing.

    And poetry pancakes to my pal Linda Mitchell, ace school media center maven, for winning Joyce Sidman's BEFORE MORNING.

  7. Happy Poetry Month, Amy! Today does have a Christmas eve kind of excitement and anticipation! Thank you for hosting us today and for this clever poem!

  8. The thing about The Poem Farm, and you The Farmer, is that I feel so part of what's growing. Absolutely, I'm one of those poets wondering how Poetry Month is going to go. Am I going to be able to make it? What if my poems are crappy? What if my poems aren't? I still believe in facing the things that scare you. Poetry doesn't....just the knowing that I've committed to daily poems does.

    Thanks for being a safe, positive place to gather bushels of poems and seeds for more.

  9. Delight in de light, delight in the shine,
    Delight in all colors, delight in this time!

    Thanks for hosting us, and looking forward to the annual poetryfest. May every voice of every color be heard.

  10. Happy Poetry Month. I'm glad it's almost here. I'm looking forward to seeing all the poetry challenges offered and savoring all the poems that grow from them. While I will be writing every day, I don't plan on posting everyday or even sticking with just one challenge. I hope to sample several!

  11. Thank you for hosting, Amy, and thank you for this all-encompassing poem to kick off National Poetry Month! Love it!

  12. Thanks for hosting, Amy - and what a perfect poem to kick off the month! I always love how you find the most beautifully satisfying way to end a poem...nicely done.

  13. Thank you for the perfect Poetry Month Eve poem to launch this glorious month!

  14. I love your poem, and I love April! Thanks for hosting today.

  15. Walking in the wind--I knew I forgot something last night;>) Fabulous NPM Eve poem! Thanks for hosting!

  16. Good morning, Amy. Your poem is a perfect kick-off to NPM. (I love the idea that we are spreading stanzas.)

    I'm excited to follow your crayon-poem project. Thanks for hosting today.

  17. The marching, the mulching, and the making
    the reflecting, the rendering, and the raking
    the tending, the tracking, and the taking:
    a moment in spring with all that it brings
    gerunds compete for space with adjectives
    as a poet creates space for both while
    an awakening flower bed waits for weeding.

  18. NPM snuck up on me this year (Who am I kidding, it always sneaks up on me!) but after reading your poem, I'm excited and raring to go. Well, maybe after I take a nap first. ;) Thanks for hosting today, Amy. I look forward to keeping tabs on your color poems next month.

  19. Amy, I was totally one of the poets who was napping. :) It is a dizzy time, isn't it? And then we all get weary by month's end... great thing about Jama's post is that we can all go back to the things we missed. Thank you for being you! xo

  20. Happy Poetry Friday, Amy. You certainly made mine happier with "Twas the night before April." And even happier as I read about Writing the Rainbow. What a wonderful idea and I loved Pick a Crayon, Write a Poem.
    Thanks for hosting :-)

  21. LOVE your poem, Amy! It really is the perfect way to usher in NPM. At Alphabet Soup today, I've posted a Roundup to the kidlit blogs who are doing special projects during April. All are invited to join the linkup by leaving a comment or sending me an email. Thanks for hosting today and have a great weekend!

  22. Happy 7th blogaversary and congratulations on your continued blog success. What is it about 2017, that NPM is here and we are all asleep? I've got some work to do! Thanks for picking up the slack.

  23. I'm never too sad when the Slice of Life Challenge ends because then I know its' time to play with poetry for an entire month. Thanks for this wonderful night before April poem. Your line, "They walked in the wind before going to bed." is my favorite. Here's to a month of dreaming and sharing poetic fun!

  24. And I forgot to mention that I love your colorful theme for the month!

  25. Love your poem today, Amy, and I'm looking forward to April! Thanks for hosting today!

  26. Dear Amy, what a treat it is to be hosted by you on this auspicious day! Your poem expresses my feelings of anticipation perfectly. Thanks so much for hosting. I've linked up a poem called "Preserving." Happy rainbow month to you!

  27. Love your 'Twas the Night Before poem, Amy! A delight, just like you! Thanks for hosting and happy blog birthday! Looking forward to your rainbow month. =)

  28. Amy- I adore this poem! Everyone should read tonight before heading off to bed with their own notebooks to ponder and dream and create poems and stories of their own!

  29. I've been thinking a lot about anticipation lately, & your poem captures the excitement. I love all the details about preparation, especially the dreams! Thank you!

  30. Amy, Thanks for hosting the roundup this week! I realized just yesterday that Wild Rose Reader will celebrate it's tenth birthday tomorrow. I really wanted to post some poems today. I have a SUN poem and a MOON poem over at my blog. I cut them from a collection of mask poems that I wrote last year.

    I'm hoping I'll be able to post more frequently during National Poetry Month than I have recently. My "grandgirls" keep me busy!

  31. Thank you for hosting, Amy. Just love your "night before" poem since I'm a collector of "Night Before Christmas" variations! Go, you! Wishing you a wonderful, colorful National Poetry Month!

  32. So excited to link up, for the first time, my poem on Poetry Friday and on Poem Farm. Woo hoo! I loved "March 31st." It captured so beautifully, in a sense, how I felt each night for the last month while I was participating in my first Slice of Life Challenge. So excited for even more poetry love flowing through my classroom!

  33. Happy Blog Birthday, Happy Poetry Month, and Happy Poetry Friday, dear Amy!

  34. What a wonderful poem to set the stage for National Poetry Month! I can't wait to read your Writing the Rainbow poems. Thanks for hosting this week.

  35. Amy, with a sunshine smile and an inspiring poem, you launched us into another month of writing. Many poetry loves wishes come your way. Tonight, I sing the praises of winter from poets, photographers, student writers, and a composer around the world who have joined me to debut Winter Wonder 17. Happy Springtime Writing with your rainbow colors.

  36. Happy Birthday to your beautiful blog!
