
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wallow in Wonder Day 7 - How Sweet is Honeysuckle?

Welcome to Day 7 of Wallow in Wonder!  For my 2016 National Poetry Month project, I will celebrate learning and writing from learning, writing poems from each daily Wonder at Wonderopolis.  As I did with my Dictionary Hike in 2012, I am looking to surprise myself with new inspiration daily.  This year, such inspiration will show up in my inbox each morning.  I will print it and carry each Wonderopolis Wonder around all day...and in the afternoon or evening, I will write and post the poem for the next day.  

I invite anyone who wishes to take this challenge too.  Just read today's wonder over at Wonderopolis, and write a poem inspired by it for tomorrow.  Share it tomorrow at your own site, and if you wish to link in my comments for others to find (or share your poem there), please feel free to do so tomorrow, the day after the Wonder is published at Wonderopolis.  If you would like to share any ways you have used Wallow in Wonder or your own site (safe for children only please), please link to the #WallowInWonder padlet.

My April Poems Thus Far

April 1 - So Suddenly - a poem inspired by Wonder #1659 
April 2 - Thankful Journal - a poem inspired by Wonder #1660
April 3 - The Storm Chaser - a poem inspired by Wonder #779
April 4 - A Jar of Glitter - a poem inspired by Wonder #641
April 5 - To Make Compost - a poem inspired by Wonder #1661
April 6 - Deciding Now - a poem inspired by Wonder #1662

And now for Day 7!

Little Sipper
by Amy LV

Students - I actually wrote two poems for today.  I worked on the first one, titled "Open Window," for some time.  And it was fine. It rhymed.  It talked about honeysuckle and spring and it featured a hummingbird too.  But it just didn't feel quite right somehow.  It was fine, but it was only fine.  And fine did not feel good enough.  I felt that I needed not to work more on that poem...but to write another poem altogether.

I have been asked how I "know when something is ready to share."  And this is an excellent question.  Honestly, though, I am not sure.  Certainly there are times when I do share and others may wonder, "Why did she share that anyway?"  And then there are times when I do not know what I think about a piece, times when I need to let a poem sit.  

But usually, when I work on something for a while, I get a feeling.  I read the words to myself over and over again and I keep writing and rewriting until I get an "I like this!" feeling.  I have learned to trust this feeling.  Usually.  Sometimes, though, this feeling is way off!  But we makers must be able to laugh at ourselves and just move on.

Today's poem makes me happy.  I like to pretend that I am other things, and I am very happy right now to be a mother hummingbird, so proud of my wee eggs.  I like the sounds of the words in this poem and the way the last two lines funnel readers to the proud ending.  I like the word secret and the line in the white pine by the water and all of those -ing words.  I like the bit of bossiness in this tiny tiny bird.  Who knows how I will feel about these words tomorrow, but right now, I like them.

Best of all, researching and writing this poem made me fall in love with hummingbirds.  Hard.  Writing about an enchanting subject can do that to a person.

Writing today's poem has inspired my whole summer garden plan.  In addition to the rugosa roses I'll be putting in by the road, all I care about now are some grand plantings for hummingbirds, everything from lambs ear and milkweed (for nesting material) to native trumpet honeysuckle.

If you would like to learn more about hummingbirds, particularly ruby throated hummingbirds, you can do so here at All About Birds or at Operation Ruby Throat.  There are different types of hummingbirds, so you may wish to find out which type lives near to you and learn about that one first.

You can read another poem inspired by Wonder #1663 if you visit Wonder Lead Ambassador, literacy advocate, teacher, and writer Paul Hankins at his Wonder Ground blog where he, too, is writing daily poems from Wonderopolis wonders.  He and I are in this together daily and some other writers are joining in on the fun sometimes too. All are welcome to wonder through poems with us.

I am so happy to be hosting middle school teacher and librarian Stefanie Cole and her students from Ontario, Canada to Sharing Our Notebooks this month.  Do not miss this post; it is full of notebook inspiration, a video clip, and a great book giveaway from Stefanie!

Happy Day 7 of National Poetry Month 2016!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Lovely-waiting for them to arrive. One wish of mine is to spy a hummingbird nest! Lullaby ready!

  2. Love the poem. Love watching the birds at the bird feeders we have too.

  3. Lovely poem. I have seen a hummingbird, but never a hummingbird nest. What a treat that would be!

  4. I love humming birds! If you plant trumpet vine, the hummingbird loves them-the trumpet vine however can be very beastly if not carefully monitored...8 years after removing ours shoots and runners still pop up -it was a bee magnet as well...
    Hope to see the hummingbird nest with eggs sometime-loving your poem!
