
Friday, February 12, 2016

Writing About Love...What I Want to Squeeze

Photo by Hope VanDerwater

Students - This Sunday is Valentine's Day, and this has me thinking about people and pets and things that I love.  One pet I love a lot is Mini Monster, and I have written about him many times including HERE.  Sometimes my family laughs at me when I hug Mini really hard and he tries to wiggle of my arms, but he often stays in my arms and lets me kiss him on his ears and tell him how handsome he is.

Today, or anytime this week, you might think about writing about someone or something you love.  What do you want to squeeze and hug and what do you adore?  Valentine's Day is a grand time to think about love, big love and small my love of drinking tea and of teeny pine cones.

You will notice that today's poem is written in free verse, in quatrains.  Nothing rhymes, but I still needed to read this aloud to myself many times to hear if it sounded just right to my ears.  On another day, I may reread this poem aloud again and make some more changes, but today it sounds as I wish it to sound.

Kimberley is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at Written Reflections with a delightful story and a celebration of one of my favorite poetry collections. Enjoy all of the offerings and the good people who join together each week to share poems and thoughts about poetry.

May this week fill you up with love, for things you know and for unexpected surprises too.

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Amy, this is a perfect compliment to a conversation with a friend this afternoon about her beautiful full-haired cat who is always hiding in corners when I visit. My friend's daughter is coming to visit tonight and she is going to "love her cat" even though she is allergic. How endearing your poem is and just right for Valentine's Day. Your February 13th poem is just right and makes me think of the e-card I just created and sent off to my daughter and son-in-law. Valentine's Day is such a wonderful holiday honoring love.

  2. What a sweet poem -- and I love Hope's photo of Mini himself. Do you think he might love me too?

  3. Yes, tell Hope that's a terrific picture!
    And I hope you've read your poem to Mini Monster. My cats (the ancient, blind, sweet one and the 16-pound demon-possessed one) send their love. Well, at least the first one does. XO

  4. Cats are unique and that's a great thing to love about them. Sweet poem, Amy, and the picture is marvelous.

  5. Re: the commentary you wrote about Mini Monster

    Even when you write prose, you write poetry.

  6. Amy- What Mary Lee said. The prose piece about Mini made me choke up this morning. And I am totally a dog person (although I have thought recently on a couple of frigid night walks that a cat might easier!) So true about teaching children kindness.

  7. What a charming valentine collection, Amy--you've got me looking for hearts everywhere! Happy VDay to you.

  8. My cat is not tolerant of hugs. I don't try. I honor her space. My daughter, however, will hold her until she growls and then a little longer. My cat loves me on her own terms. She's always somewhere near. Happy Valentine's Day. I know it's cold up there. I hope you are staying inside and warm.

  9. What a sweet poem for your sweet Mini. My kitty sometimes sits on my lap while I write, keeping me calm through the hard parts (i.e., every minute)!

  10. I read this poem aloud to my daughter as she picked up her cat. It was a perfect meow-ment.

  11. Can anyone recommend a rhyming poem and a non rhyming poem for comparison for an 8 year old? Thanks

  12. I don't have two poems in mind...but you can find many wonderful non-rhyming poems in LITTLE DOG POEMS or OLD ELM SPEAKS, both by Kristine O'Connell George. Perhaps once you find one you think your child would like, you can look for a good counterpart that rhymes. You're also welcome, of course, to anything in the FIND A POEM section of this blog. Best of luck. - Amy

  13. Nicholas, These poems are free for teacher/instructional use. If you are interested in using a poem or something from The Poem Farm in another way, please just send me an e-mail to amy at amylv dot com. Thank you! Best, Amy
