
Friday, October 30, 2015

Scaring My Mom - What Happened this Week?

Bat in the Morning
by Amy LV

Students - Happy almost Halloween!  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because I love dressing up, and I love sweets, and I love surprises.  This year, one of my children will be dressed up as a Stormtrooper from STAR WARS, and well, let's just say that this poem came from real life.  I have been surprised many times this past week.  

When you sit to write, remember that the little funny things that happen in your life every day are great writing material.  And if you cannot think of a funny little thing...make one happen!

Today's verse doesn't rhyme regularly or have a special meter or pattern, but if you read closely, you'll find some rhymes and some near rhymes.

Over at my other blog, Sharing Our Notebooks, Sunday is the last day you can leave a comment and be considered to win Jeff Anderson's ZACK DELACRUZ: ME AND MY BIG MOUTH.  Jeff has written many wonderful books for teachers about teaching writing, and his notebooks post is a great one about keeping a project journal.

Jone is hosting today's Poetry Friday party over at Check it Out.  Please visit her cozy corner of the internet and learn about the poetry happenings 'round the Kidlitosphere this week.

Happy Halloween!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. I guess there is nothing more fun than scaring Mom, and three times, wow. Peeking around the corner with a mask is what my granddaughters love to do recently, then they say "Just me!" Love this, Amy.

  2. Hard to beat scaring mom followed by "Just me!" Happy Halloween!

  3. Love this, especially with your commentary! So true!

    Happy Halloween! Happy Storm Trooping and Booing!

  4. Yeah, having a Stormtrooper eyelevel with you when you wake up would be startling!
    Have fun tonight!

  5. What a fun poem, Amy! I'm sure I'd scream if a storm trooper woke me up, too!
