
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 4 - National Poetry Month 2015 - Sing That Poem!

Happy National Poetry Month!
Welcome to Day 4 of this Year's Poem Farm Project!

Find the Complete April 2015 Poem and Song List Here

First, I would like to welcome all old and new friends to The Poem Farm this April. Spring is a busy time on all farms, and this one is no exception.  Each April, many poets and bloggers take on special poetry projects, and I'm doing so too.  You can learn all about Sing That Poem! and how to play on my April 1st post, where you will also find the list of the whole month's poems and tunes as I write and share them.  If you'd like to print out a matching game page for yourself, you can find one here, and during April 2015, you'll be able to see the song list right over there in the left hand sidebar.

Yesterday's poem was At Night.  Here is the tune that goes along with it, below. Did you figure it out?

And here, below, is today's poem.  Look at the song list in the sidebar or on your matching form to see if you can puzzle out which tune matches this one.

Friends Share Everything
by Amy LV

Students - So far, this month's project has me thinking in a whole different way than usual: meter first and then content second.  So as you can see today, sometimes the content is a bit wacky!  Revision is pretty easy, and probably funny to listen to - revision sounds like me humming away.

It took me quite a while to write today's silly verse, and it is silly...and untrue...mostly. I do not have two cockroaches in my shoe.  However, cockroaches are more friendly than most folks realize.  You can read a little bit about that below, or click over to the BBC Nature article for even more on this subject.

by Matt Walker, BBC Nature

Yesterday I hosted Poetry Friday here, and there are all kinds of wonderful poetry links to explore.  And don't forget - over at Jama's Alphabet Soup, Jama is keeping a list of poetry projects 'round the Kidlitosphere all month long.  So much poetry happiness!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Amy, your project is developing quite nicely. Last night when I felt better I wrote a post for Poetry Friday but never posted it to your link-up. Now it is there. Enjoy Easter with your family.

  2. I love the juxtaposition of sharing and cockroaches.

  3. Yes, I guessed Of Top of Old Smoky, but the one today seems a little harder. I may be because it's about cockroaches. I don't mind most insects, but never thought about having a cockroach for a friend. My son, however, did have a pet stinkbug at one time. This is fun, Amy, surprises every day!

  4. I kept Madagascar Hissing Roaches as classroom pets for many years. They are fascinating...when you get past the EW factor!
