
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 21 - National Poetry Month 2015 - Sing That Poem!

Happy National Poetry Month!
Welcome to Day 21 of this Year's Poem Farm Project!

Find the Complete April 2015 Poem and Song List Here

First, I would like to welcome all old and new friends to The Poem Farm this April. Spring is a busy time on all farms, and this one is no exception.  Each April, many poets and bloggers take on special poetry projects, and I'm doing so too.  You can learn all about Sing That Poem! and how to play on my April 1st post, where you will also find the list of the whole month's poems and tunes as I write and share them.  If you'd like to print out a matching game page for yourself, you can find one here, and during April 2015, you'll be able to see the song list right over there in the left hand sidebar.

Yesterday's poem was Still.  Here is the tune that goes along with it, below. Did you figure it out?

Welcome again to Margaret Simon's students from Jefferson Island Road Elementary in New Iberia, Louisiana.  We can enjoy their lovely voices singing Still here below.

And here, below, is today's poem.  Look at the song list in the sidebar or on your matching form to see if you can puzzle out which tune matches this one.

My Silly Happy Feet
Photo by Amy LV

Students - For today's poemsong, I decided to match mine to the structure of the mentor song (hint!) in that this poem, like that one, includes two speakers: one asks a question, and the other answers it.  This may be enough to help you figure it out. (Emily...was I inspired by your topic?)

In 2011, I wrote another poem - quite different - about mismatched socks.  You can read it here - scroll down, as it is the second (red) one.  Mismatched socks are clearly a weird theme of my life.  What is a weird theme of your life?  Make some lists of things that interest you.  Do this every month or so.  Then look at the lists and see - what comes up again and again?  Here are a few of the themes and ideas that I return to again and again.  You may have noticed.

1.  Connections with Strangers
2.  Mismatched Socks and Being Different
3.  Saying Goodbye
4.  Owls
5.  Noticing Small Things in Nature
6.  Objects Telling Stories
7.  Normal Life Turning Magic
8.  Animals Mattering to People

Don't ignore the ideas and topics and themes that come to you again and again. They want to be fed by you.  How do you feed them?  Well, you draw them.  You write about them.  You make up songs about them.  These visitors have messages and secrets and ideas that will teach you about you.  Love them and get to know you, weird and cool as you are.

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Can't wait to show this to Emily. She will smile. Thanks for including our singing. Still is one of my favorites of the month.

  2. Yay for your crazy socks theme. :) I love how poems "teach you about you." xo

  3. I read your wonderful poems every day, but don't comment often. I just had to today because it was like reading my granddaughter's thoughts. I have to share this with my little mismatched girl. Thanks for the day brightener.

  4. Enjoying ever'one, like Rosi.

    This bright socks one the first one that I've guessed -(ears hang low!) Right?

    And I feel that daughter wearing odd socks together connection as our creative artist gal did the same.

    Now today, several lines of socks are created to pretend to be mismatched & they are hot sellers.

  5. Love your mismatched socks poem. Alvaro should read this. M.M.Socks
