
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 15 - National Poetry Month 2015 - Sing That Poem!

Happy National Poetry Month!
Welcome to Day 15 of this Year's Poem Farm Project!

Find the Complete April 2015 Poem and Song List Here

First, I would like to welcome all old and new friends to The Poem Farm this April. Spring is a busy time on all farms, and this one is no exception.  Each April, many poets and bloggers take on special poetry projects, and I'm doing so too.  You can learn all about Sing That Poem! and how to play on my April 1st post, where you will also find the list of the whole month's poems and tunes as I write and share them.  If you'd like to print out a matching game page for yourself, you can find one here, and during April 2015, you'll be able to see the song list right over there in the left hand sidebar.

Yesterday's poem was Librarian's Song.  Here is the tune that goes along with it, below. Did you figure it out?

And here, below, is today's poem.  Look at the song list in the sidebar or on your matching form to see if you can puzzle out which tune matches this one.

If you are a classroom of students who figures this out, and if you would like to share your voices singing today's poem, please just send me a link to your SoundCloud (easy free app) recording, and I will post it here tomorrow.

Joe's Pole and Tackle Box
Photo by Amy LV

Students - This is a shorter song...and I am imagining that you will not have a very difficult time figuring out the tune.  I wrote this one in my head while driving eight hours to Vermont, and it was fun to sing, tap my steering wheel, and drive.  Every once in a while, I would pull over into a parking lot and write down a draft.  I am especially happy with "Dig fat worms" and all of line four and the "sh" and "ch" sounds in the final line.

Today we are halfway through the songs.  So far, this has been an interesting challenge for me.  I took it on to try out some new meters and to practice listening carefully to the stresses in words, and I can feel my meter muscles stretching.  I hope that your listening-to-syllables-and-stresses-muscles are stretching too.  Thank you for playing along this far, and thank you for your comments and notes and audio clips!

Teachers and Other Adults - If you are new here...please know that I also keep a Facebook page for The Poem Farm.  This page includes poems for grownups, links to all things poetry for children and adults, articles, quotes, neat poetry products...just poem-y things I love. You can find that page here, and I welcome you.

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. This poem is perfect for me today as I have been remembering (and writing) about my grandfather who lived on the Florida panhandle and always took us fishing! He was the best fishing buddy, and I learned so much from him. (He also fed me my first oysters, but that's another story!) Thank you, Amy! xo

  2. This project is so much fun. (Have passed along to Teacher-Daughter.)
    I think I figured out this one but will tune in again to make sure. I enjoy hearing those student voices singing their poem-songs!

  3. We think we have this one! We did a great job recording our voices on sound cloud today but we are troubleshooting some issues with the volume. We'll keep trying! Thank you for a fun-filled April. We are glad that we still have half of the month to go because we are hooked! We're looking forward to using Forest has a Song as a mentor text when we begin writing our own poems on Friday. You are very inspirational to us! Thank you!
