
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Picture Frames - Poem #16 for April 2014 Poetry Project

Learn about this, my April 2014 Poetry Project, HERE!

Picture Frames
Photo by Amy LV

Students - I wrote today's poem on a late night flight from Atlanta, Georgia back home to Buffalo, NY.  It was a bit dark on the plane, and the gentleman next to me probably thought I was bonkers with all of my muttering (reading aloud to help me write next lines) and tapping (to hear the syllables), but I don't mind that.  I may be a little bonkers!

You can see that I scribbled my way through several pages to arrive at this little verse.  On this first spread, you can see that I first thought of writing the poem in the first person, or 'I' voice.

Picture Frames - Draft Page Spread #1
Photo by Amy LV

Below, on the second draft page spread, you see the bulk of the work.  I decided here that I actually wanted the poem to be a bit of a story about lonely frames that wait and finally find their new lives as art gallery frames for a child.

This may be difficult for you to read.  Guess what?  It's difficult for me to read too, but sometimes writing just goes quickly, and one needs to get it down. Neatness can come later.  

By this page spread, I had still not begun work on the ending.

Picture Frames - Draft Page Spread #2
Photo by Amy LV

Draft page spread #3 is where you see the work on the endings.  I also wrote a few endings in my head, endings that never made it to the page.

Picture Frames - Draft Page Spread #3
Photo by Amy LV

And below, in draft page spread #4,  is the last ending work.  After trying many possibilities, I finally decided to end this poem by posing a question to the reader, as one of my favorite poems, "Alley Violinist" by Robert Lax, does.  The end of this poem remains open for conversation.  "What will you find to give a fresh start?

What will YOU find?

Picture Frames - Draft Page Spread #4 
Photo by Amy LV

Please don't miss seventeen-year-old Alex McCarron's great notebooks post over at my other blog, Sharing Our Notebooks.  It's truly inspiring!

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. I absolutely love that you are posting the process that you take to arrive at your poems. I can't wait for more treasures!

  2. Oh, I hope you gave your plane partner a card so he could check out your blog!! He is lucky. This one speaks to me. I have a collection of empty frames waiting photos and art. Can't have too many. I don't know why. I like your Thrift stores and your poems!
    Janet F.

  3. Amy,
    I was inspired to shop at a thrift store for plant stands. I bought two stools instead. One has been painted by a 10-year-old. How about that?

  4. Our teammate went to the thrift store and purchased frames. She placed inside each a picture of herself and gave them to us before break so we wouldn't miss her. A hilarious joke! Those frames still appear in strange places.

    I'm thinking becoming the holder for a youngest is perfect!

