
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Giving the Blobfish a Voice

Photo by Henry LV

Click the arrow to hear me read this poem to you.

Students - I just had to write this poem after reading today's news story about a recent contest sponsored by the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.  The blobfish won as "ugliest animal" by thousands of votes.  I could not help but wonder what the blobfish think.  What would you think if you won this prize?

Life is full of stories and facts and all kinds of interesting tidbits.  Part of the joy of writing is choosing which ones to spend time with and doodle about in our notebooks.  Sometimes, like today, the doodling about is plain fun.  Sometimes it is more serious.

What grabbed you in the news this week?  Don't let anything slip by your writing mind.

Today's not a regular posting day here at The Poem Farm, but this was too good to pass up.

Please share a comment below if you wish.
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