
Monday, September 23, 2013

Flower - Poems of Address

The Angeliques Have Arrived!
Photo by Amy LV

This poem
is trying
to be
a book.
xo, Amy

Click the arrow to hear me read this poem to you.

Students - The picture you see at the top of this post is actually a picture of tulip bulbs, not seeds.  I have always thought that bulbs are amazing, and this particular type of bulb is one of my favorites - Angelique Tulips. Years ago, Susan Mendel, the wonderful school principal where I was a fifth grade teacher, had these tulips in her yard.  I've thought about her tulips for 15 years...and last spring I ordered some for our home here in Western New York.  They just arrived last week, and so I'll be getting some dirt under the ol' fingernails this week. Spring will be so exciting!  When the Angeliques come up, I'll show you how pretty they are.

Today's poem is a poem of address, in which I speak directly TO the flower.  When you write a poem, you might ask yourself if it would be a good idea to try out this technique. Instead of talking ABOUT a cat or AS a cat, you might speak directly TO the cat.  This gives the reader a neat scenario to imagine!

Over at my other blog, Sharing Our Notebooks, Kimberly Kuntz has opened her prayer journals for us to learn about this important way she writes through her life.  

This week, from September 22 - September 28,  is Banned Books Week!  It is important that we stand up for books, all books, even ones that express ideas and viewpoints with which we disagree.  Last year I wrote this poem, Are You There, God? in honor or Banned Books Week.

Please share a comment below if you wish.
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  1. I love Angeliques, too! Most years, rabbits eat most of ours, but the ones that survive are gorgeous!

  2. I love the rhythm of your poem to these Angeliques, Amy. I want to plant bulbs in my new garden this year, so you've given me a name to look for especially! Thank you!

  3. Wow - those are gorgeous! Almost a cross between a rose and a peony.

    Like JoAnn - breaks my heart when the squirrels and rabbits devour the bulbs I have been waiting for! But I can savor your poem without concern. Thank you!

  4. I'm in love with the name of this flower, and those little faces -- gorgeous!

  5. I really impressed to read this flower poem which is nice and the sound is quite good.
