
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Can You Spot the Differences?

If you are a new visitor to The Poem Farm, via NCTE or elsewhere, I welcome you!  This blog began back in 2010, when I decided to write and post a new children's poem and mini lesson each day for a year. It was such fun that I continued on posting regularly, usually 3 poems and lessons per week. The archives of The Poem Farm are searchable (above) by both technique and topic, and I welcome students and teachers to share their own work too.
Thank you for visiting!

Mark & Hope...Years Ago
Photo by Amy LV

Students - I found this old poem today, and I at first was going to just share it with you.  Then, reading it over and over again, I realized, "I can make this better."  It's an old poem, maybe from 2002, and seeing it ten years later gave me some perspective.

Below you can read the poem both ways, and then talk with a partner about what you notice is different.  Which do you think is better?  It is important for writers to revisit our work, to always ask, "How can I make this better?"  Maybe I will revise this poem again in 2022!



Today's poem is about a place I love.  I often write about favorite places because when you write about a favorite place, you get to keep that place with you words.  This is really just a little list poem about some of my favorite things at the shore, and I wanted the poem to have a little of a back and forth feeling, just like the tide.  Did you notice that the first two and last two lines of this poem are the same?  It's a circle poem!

I am still away...working on a new project this month, but I wanted to swing by with a little poem that is making me smile at this chilly time of year.  Here in WNY, the snowflakes are just starting to fly, just a wee bit, and this makes me think of the shore.

If you will be at NCTE this week, please know do visit our Poetry Panel, full of Poetry Friday friends, as we celebrate Poetry Friday and THE POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY!

Please share a comment below if you wish.
To find a poem by topic, click here. To find a poem by technique, click here.
Like The Poem Farm on Facebook for more poems, articles, and poemquotes!

1 comment:

  1. I'll save these to show how small changes make big differences, Amy. I love the sea, & hope I can go again next summer. I just ordered the Poetry Anthology so will think of you all this week on your panel! What a wonderful thing for those who'll be able to meet all of you.
