
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Pet Rock - Friend of All People

Buster in the Sunshine
Photo by Hope LV

Click the arrow to hear me read this poem to you.

Students -  For today's poem, I decided to just flip through photographs and choose one that made me smile.  How could a sunbathing rock not make me smile?  This is a photo of Buster, the pet rock belonging to our daughter Hope and her friends Julia and Delilah.  He has all kinds of outfits - you wouldn't believe!

This is a list poem with a lot of repetition.  You will notice that the whole first chunk of every line is exactly the same.  I wanted today's poem to just tell about all of the things that a pet rock cannot do...and then twist the end to show that pet rocks have their own certain charm.  I think they may be fun simply because they let us do everything!

What do you like to make and play with?  What do you like to pretend?  There are lots of great writing ideas hidden in your play and in your creative mind.

I remember when I was a little girl in the 1970s.  Pet rocks were all the rage, and they were the perfect pet for a girl like me who loved making small homes for things.  We always had a loving dog, but my rock was a great pet who put up with all of my caring antics.

If you wish to learn all about how to take care of a pet rock, you may want to watch this video by Marco Anders on YouTube.  This video is also fun for those of you who have written or plan to write how-to or procedural pieces.  One way to publish your how-to piece might be a video like this one!

You can also read and watch a video about caring for your pet rock here at wikihow.  And if you want to know the history of pet rocks, check out The Pet Rock Page or Wikipedia.

Or, just enjoy a short episode of Bill Nye's Pet Rock Theater.

You can order a pet rock and carrying box from the 1970's on eBay.  Or if you're smart, you can just go outside and find your own!

As one of my favorite Byrd Baylor books says....

Nina Crittenden is my guest at Sharing Our Notebooks this week.  Stop by and see the types of notebooks she uses and how she continues to create.  (You will also have a chance to be entered into Nina's generous drawing of a book and pocket notebook.)

Please share a comment below if you wish.
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