
Monday, September 3, 2012

My Bunny - Cinder Blocks & Quatrains

Aerial View of Thistle's Obstacle Course
Photo by Amy LV

Click the arrow to hear me read this poem to you.

Hope and Thistle
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Meet Thistle!  S/he (we're not sure yet which) is the newest member of our family here at Heart Rock Farm.  3/4 Mini Lop and 1/4 Angora, s/he is one inquisitive and huggable bunny who became part of our family this summer.  Many thanks to Ally (6th grade) and Emily (4th grade) Gordon for raising this little one and selling her/him to us.  They even gave us baby pictures!

Ally & Emily with Baby Thistle (far left) and Her/His Litter Mates!
Photo by Tammy Gordon

Yesterday morning, Hope and I decided to make Thistle's old milk house digs a bit more exciting by building a cinder block and wooden ramp obstacle course.  I love to just sit and watch as s/he sniffs, explores, and hides in every little hiding spot possible! I often think about little pets and wonder what they think.  Yesterday it was fun to watch Thistle's curious mind at work.

In terms of rhyme, I'd like you to take a look at the copy of this poem below.  "My Bunny" is in quatrains, and the rhymes show up every second and fourth line.  What was funny about writing this particular verse, however, is that ALL of the 2nd and 4th lines rhyme with each other.  As you can imagine, I made a big list of all of the -ee rhymes I could think of so that the poem would make sense.

Below you can see a picture of our bunny house.  Thistle lives here now, but for seven years, this was home to Irwin, our first bunny.  And next to this milk house still stands a hutch where Mr. Fluffles (another bunny) used to live.

The Old Milk House (Current Bunny House) & Me
Today is Labor Day.  And Labor Day is 130 years old today!  To read the Labor Day poem I posted 2 years ago, visit here.

This week over at Sharing Our Notebooks, I welcome author Peter Salomon and congratulate him on his forthcoming book, HENRY FRANKS. Please stop by and read about his first notebooks, and enter yourself in the giveaway of his new book - coming out this week!

If you are interested in entering to win a copy of THE POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY (in which I am happy to have 5 poems!), please stop by Friday's post and leave a comment there.  Thistle will draw a winning name on Thursday night, and I will announce the winner on Poetry Friday!

This week also marks a change in The Poem Farm schedule - I am now back and posting poems and poem greetings each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please come back and visit for lessons, poem ideas, book recommendations, and classroom Poetry Peeks.  If you are a classroom teacher or homeschooling parent, I invite you to share your students' poetry or your poem teaching ideas here.  If you are interested, please send me an e-mail to amy at amylv dot com, and I will get right back to you.

Please share a comment below if you wish.
To find a poem by topic, click here. To find a poem by technique, click here.
Like The Poem Farm on Facebook for more poems, articles, and poemquotes!


  1. We had a bunny for a long time when I grew up-sweet to have, & my brother took much care of 'Ramble'. Love the poem & the lesson, Amy. I have shared your blog with everyone at school & hope they'll be inspired as I am in sharing with students. Thank you!
