
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spark 15 II & Paula Lantz's Response

Boulders in My Heart 

Students - yesterday I shared a painting by artist Paula B. Lantz, the painting which inspired "The Water Tower." Today you can see how "White Fields," inspired this beautiful piece of art by Paula! To learn more about SPARK, brainchild of Amy Souza, and how the process works, visit here.

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  1. Amy, this took my breath away. I wish I had had the poem for my memoir group! I think I will reprint it & give them each a copy; they will love it. This SPARK idea is fascinating. What a wonderful gathering of beautiful pairings to share.

  2. I am fascinated by this idea! And I loved "White Fields"! I'll be back!

  3. I loved "the treehouse of my mind". It sounds so inviting. Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)
