Friday, February 10, 2023

A Magical Power...Meow!

Claude in His Tunnel
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Our newest cat Claude is a chatty and loving little soul. Every once in a while he will just walk around the house calling for his pal Winnie. For today's poem, I just imagined that I had the magical power I've always wished for: the ability to understand animals. (But just for one day...)

Today's poem is a story poem which quickly jumps into the realm of fiction yet was inspired by my meow-y young fuzzface. 

If you're looking for a writing idea, you might allow yourself to muse about a magical power you would love to have. You might write it as a story of living with this power, as I have. Or you might write a list of all of the things you would do with this power. I think I might be able to write a lot of these poems.

If you don't feel like having a magical power, perhaps you would like to simply write about a wish that you have had, you have now, or that someone else has or once had. Real...or imagined. You, my friend, are the writer.

And remember. If you ever aren't sure of how to title a poem, you can always name it after the spot where it takes place.

Right now I am happily in Denver, Colorado, teaching two sessions about poetry at the CCIRA 2023 conference. I feel so fortunate to be here, back amongst thoughtful educators and old friends.

Carol is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup at Beyond Literacy Link with a postcard swap share. Please know that all are welcome each Friday as folks share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship

Meow! I love you!



Please share a comment below if you wish.
Know that your comment will only appear after I approve it.
If you are under 13 years old, please only comment 
with a parent or as part of a group with your teacher.


  1. "Birds embroidering the sky" is such a lovely image, Amy. I enjoyed getting to know a bit about Claude. I hope you have fun at the conference. I attended several times back in the day. If you happen to run into my friend Patrick A., please give him a hello and a hug from me.

  2. Who knew you'd have a new writing partner when Claude came into your family?!?!

  3. I think I'd like to have a conversation with Claude, Amy. He sounds like a happy cat! Sorry to have missed you at CCIRA but hope it's been a good time!

  4. Oh, Claude has quite the way with words! What a beautiful (and lucky) kitty. xo

  5. Couldn't resist the invitation to write about a wish. I wrote about wishing myself from here to there (CCIRA). I remember sessions from All Write when I sat with my notebook listening to your spin your love of poetry.
    Love flitter-flap of the sparrows and Claude's milky chin! He's beautiful!

  6. Amy, I can sense you speaking with Claude. It is a calming image to watch the sky so I am glad that you shared this poem and your follow-up talking to students. Thanks for adding your comment at my email account. I added it to the comment responses with your name so others can see your thought. Thanks.

  7. Claude is a cutie and the star of your poem.

  8. Claude appears to be a wonderful muse. How fun that my poem this week echoes yours -- communicating with our pets. :)

  9. I like this venture into longer lines, Amy (surely not your first, but noticeable to me)--it seems appropriate for an afternoon of kitty conversation that felt like forever. The line-up at CCIRA looks absolutely stellar. Enjoy!

  10. Awwwwww you are so lucky Claude found you. Birds embroidering the sky is something everyone should enjoy.

  11. I absolutely LOVED meeting you at CCIRA and absolutely enjoyed EVERY minute of the sessions you presented!! Thank you for the passion and purpose you bring to the poetry world. I totally agree with Claude. I, also, loved to watch the birds "embroidering the sky!"

  12. I love this conversation with Claude! You hear him as clearly (well, at least in your imagination and heart) as I hear our sweet kitten, Maisy. :)

  13. I feel like I was there with you and Claude... and his Monet. : )
