Friday, October 21, 2022

Tell a Mending Story

Stitching Pants Patches
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Last week I attended a fun fall brunch with a bunch of friends. We started talking about mending our favorite old clothes when they become torn and worn. I have not spent time mending before, but I have wanted this was an inspiring conversation for me.

One of my friends, Katie, showed us a dress she had mended for a friend of hers. It had large holes in it from a bicycle catch, and she sewed bird print fabric into the holes. Now the dress has birds peeking out! This mend was a birthday gift for her friend, and Katie has generously offered to do "birthday mends" for other friends too.

Such attention-grabbing mending, with bright colors and creative patterns, is called "visible mending" or "creative mending." Of course you can mend with the color that matches your fabric, to make the repair disappear. But there is something whimsical about adding design and pattern and splash to old garments.

This poem is about me...and not about me. Today I really will be finishing the mend you see above. But this poem is about everybody who mends. And while I am a girl, I decided to make the character in this poem a boy. When we write, we do not have to make every single bit of our writing true to life. We have permission to play with the world and with our words too.

If you are wondering what to write about, consider making a list in your notebook of things you have mended or fixed or repaired or healed. Think of things that you have seen others mend or fix or repair or heal - for themselves or for you or for someone else. There is a world of stories here. You may find something on your list that you wish to write more about.

Bridget is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup at wee words for wee ones with a peace poem by Angela De Groot. Please know that all are welcome each Friday as folks share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship.

May you mend and be mended... And if you come back later, you'll see a photograph of my completed stitching!


Please share a comment below if you wish. 
If you are under 13 years old, please only comment with a parent
or as part of a group with your teach


  1. The poem reads like stitching itself, Amy, the rhythm of in and out, in and out is soothing when we sew, isn't it? Happy Friday!

  2. Your poem is sew great, Amy! "magically his pants were new". :)
    For my daughter's birthday this year, my husband and I mended her childhood quilt that had been loved up until it was reduced to frayed fragments. Now she proudly sleeps under "magical" newly mended quilt in her dorm room and says it was her best birthday present ever. Mending is good for the soul. (and environment and pocketbook and relationships)

  3. I love this celebration of mending. I have often sews to keep something torn useful and your patches seem to make something torn even better.

  4. I love this poem and your post, Amy. It's wonderful that "imperfections" are becoming less hidden and more celebrated.

  5. I love the inspiration behind this poem, Amy -- and your encouragement to consider things we have mended or helped to heal. Thank you.

  6. Love this! And I love brainstorming ideas about mending things as a prompt.

  7. Growing up, I did a lot of mending. There was no going to the store to buy something new, we mended what we had. I'm grateful to my mother for teaching me to do this. Your poem was a lovely reminder of that lesson.

  8. Mend, the opposite of end. May we (and all men) work towards unending mending.
    I have to find some hand work and I'm stuck, afraid of the new sewing machine I've owned for ten years and haven't learned to use.

  9. I just love the idea of a mending story. I want a collection of them, please and thank you.

  10. Who doesn't love a violet thread? I can absolutely picture the magic of that thread making the old new again. Beautiful!

  11. Here's to mending! One of my first projects after The Year of Mandalas will be to mend my grandmother's quilt. I can't wait to add my fabric and my stitching to its history/herstory.

  12. Perhaps we should all choose to mend a little more often.
