Friday, September 9, 2022

Something Unexpected

A Handful of Color
Photo by Amy LV

Students - It is good to be back. I have missed you and hope that our time apart has been healthy and good for you and the people you love. Now that it is autumn in Western New York where I live, I will be posting poems and writing ideas here again on Fridays and perhaps on other (unexpected) days.

Today's poem is a true story poem, and it happened this week (not yesterday, but in poems you can change anything you wish). When I went to get the mail, I expected to walk back to my house with a handful of envelopes. Instead, I walked back to my house with a handful of green acorns and this pretty blue feather. I expected one thing and got another.

Has this ever happened to you? You expected one thing and got another thing instead? Maybe you thought a person would act a certain way when you first met them and later realized that the person was actually quite different from what you had imagined. Or maybe a day brought a surprise you never could have thought up - good...or not so good. These things happen to me all of the time, and now that I am thinking about it, I realize that they are strong writing ideas. I'll be paying more attention and jotting such happenings into my notebook. You might wish to try this too.

Today's poem is mostly made up of lines with eight syllables. You may count them out to check, and you'll notice that two lines have only seven syllables. Sometimes when I write, I feel a beat inside and just follow it. I recommend trying to count out syllables, just to start feeling them inside of you. You can count syllables in others' poems for practice.

Another thing you might notice how many parentheses I included in today's poem. Lines with parentheses feel like little whispered asides, as if the writer is telling special extra information to a reader.

And while I did not plan to rhyme any words in this poem, the last two lines felt like they should rhyme after all. They gave themselves to me, all wrapped in a simple rhyme.

Here's my silverboy Tuck, checking out that handful of autumn mail himself!

Tuck and the Mail
Photo by Amy LV

Carol is hosting the Poetry Friday roundup at Beyond LiteracyLink with a summer cento, or poem made from the lines of other poems. Please know that all are welcome each Friday as folks share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship.

I wish you something good and unexpected this week...and perhaps even a poem to go with it.

Please share a comment below if you wish. 
If you are under 13 years old, please only comment with a parent
or as part of a group with your teacher and class.


  1. What a delight! A true story poem! I'm off to try one! Thank you!

  2. A good mail day, indeed. :) Lovely, Amy!

  3. I wrote about my mail today, too, Amy, but not about a new kind of treasure. Love the surprise as I imagine you did, too.

  4. Oh, hello there, Tuck. What a handsome, handsome hunk of cat. And, goodness I have missed your joyous wisdom verses. Thanks for the wish. I've got it and am not letting go. No way!

  5. What treasures to find! I love this little story poem.

  6. Welcome back! Welcome home. Here's to more good mail days in your future!

  7. It is good to have you back with us on Poetry Friday, Amy. A surprise from nature is always an unexpected treat. I like how you present your poem and explain your process for students and teachers. It was a good mail day for you and us, the readers.

  8. I absolutely love parentheses (and dashes) that I use often in poems and stories. What a delight Amy—and a good mail day, indeed. Thank you.

  9. When your blog is quiet, I can’t help but wonder about all of the little surprises getting tucked into your notebook. Today’s poem made me smile. Fun mail is a rarity in the adult world, but Mother Nature never disappoints.

  10. What a delightful poem! It's a perfect mentor poem for students of how to notice and appreciate the unexpected in their lives. (and for me, too!) Lovely to see you here again!

  11. Lovely mail day surprise–what fun, especially the blue feather… nice pic too, thanks Amy!
