Friday, July 30, 2021

Follow a Book Title


A Book Off the Shelf
Photo by Amy LV

Students - Sometimes a writer is unsure of how to begin. The more I get away from writing, the harder it is for me to begin. This is where keeping a notebook can be very handy - it keeps you in the groove. Just as jumping into a swimming pool or lake can shock you with its coldness, the water of writing can feel scary if we stay out too long.

Today's poem grew from a book title. I snagged a few books from the living room shelf and brought them out to Betsy the Writing Camper. I said to myself, "Something in one of these books will get me started." Well, I never even opened one of the books. The title of Thich Nhat Hanh's book pictured above got me off and running.

My Writing Camper, Betsy
Photo by Amy LV

I started just by jotting about gratitude for our wedding anniversary (26 years! Yesterday!) Then I began writing about how I do not want to waste my life. I looked up, saw this book, and began poem-ing. Somehow the old phrase, "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride," popped into my head. The idea of wishes blended with the idea of being here and too, the idea of now-ness.

Lots of scribbling and reading aloud later, these words ended up on the page. They are a good reminder to is all we know to be.

Rebecca is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup at Sloth Reads with a spotlight on today -  International Friendship Day. Remember: all are welcome each Friday as folks share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship.

I wish you now.



  1. I loved the process of how this poem came to be. It's nice to see Betsy and know you are in there writing. Sometimes I wish I was there...but I'm writing here too. So, it's good.

  2. I enjoyed your journey to “now” and the lyrical poem that met you there too, and you’ve made now so approachable for us all. Thanks Amy happy scribbling!

  3. Love this, Amy, and it was so great seeing Betsy again. Favorite line - "Your now is still warm." I also wrote today from a title. In my case it came from the title of a poem by Mary Oliver - "Just As the Calendar Began to Say Summer."

  4. Amy, I love seeing your notebook and where you write! I love even more that you share your process with us! Your poem is perfect for me right now, as I’m learning to be in the moment and be thankful for that.

  5. It's lovely to read your posts again, Amy! I always find something valuable to take away for me and for my students. I especially enjoyed reading about your process into this poem. Hope you're enjoying the now, and Happy Anniversary!

  6. I love how you find muses in so many different ways. This one will be great for kids to try. I love the rhythm of your repetition. How I wish I could be there writing and sipping tea. Happy Anniversary! We will celebrate 39 years next weekend.

  7. Amy... this is perfect! Thank you for sharing your lessons.

  8. Hi, Amy--I saw you announcing this post on Twitter but didn't see your link on the round-up, so I added it. I hope that's okay! (Don't want anyone to miss your weekly genius, my friend.) To be in the present wouldn't think we would need to remind kids of that, but maybe we do. Or maybe we adults think we do but kids are still managing that just fine--just watch them at the beach! (And my 18 yo is certainly a big fan of this moment right here, no matter what's next!) I wish you a happy 26th anniversary--we're on 30 this week, no small feat for either of us--and more now in the belly of Betsy. Stay in--the water's fine!

  9. I found myself nodding in agreement at the "Your now is right now" stanza. Love that!

  10. Oh. My. Goodness. Amy! I LOVE your writing camper!!! I think I may have a new goal for my writing space. And I also enjoyed your poem! My daughter starts middle school in just over a week and your poem made me think about how often I think about when she was little or what will be coming as we inch closer to those teenage years. I'll have to make sure to enjoy these in between times. :) Have a good week.

  11. Happy Anniversary! And hooray for this anthem to NOW!

  12. What a wonderful, mindful poem. I enjoyed reading about how it came to be. Thank you for sharing it!

  13. Love every bit of this post, Amy! It's been challenging for me to write anything new this summer, but I think this strategy will do the trick. Thank you, and congratulations on 26 years! Wishing you many more!
