Tuesday, April 21, 2020

21 - Poems Can Give Advice

Welcome to my 2020 National Poetry Month Project
See My Last 10 Poetry Projects HERE

Each day of April 2020, I will share three things:
  • A dice roll of three word dice
  • A video explaining one poetic technique titled POEMS CAN... You can also find these at Sharing Our Notebooks as part of my ongoing Keeping a Notebook project
  • A poem inspired by one or more of the dice words and the technique

Here are All of This Month's Poems:

And now, for today's words! 

Day 21 Words
Photo by Amy LV

Thank you to Heinemann for giving away a copy of my book POEMS ARE TEACHERS: HOW STUDYING POETRY STRENGTHENS WRITING IN ALL GENRES each week of April. I will draw names from the previous week each Thursday evening at 11:59pm, and I will announce a winner each Friday. Please leave a way to contact you in your comment as if I cannot contact you easily, I will choose a different name. This week's winner is named atop the post.

If you would like to learn more about other National Poetry Month projects happening throughout the Kidlitosphere, Jama has rounded up many NPM happenings over at Jama's Alphabet Soup.  Happy National Poetry Month 2020.


Dreams Come True
Photo by Amy LV

Please share a comment below if you wish.day 


  1. "Watch your world grow tiny/Feel your heart grow wise." We should all take this advice. Our world would be a much better place. Thank you, Amy, for sending your loving kindness out into the world each day through these poems!

  2. "Watch the world grow tiny/ Feel your spirit grow wise." Love this advice. Your poems bring joy every day. Thanks.

  3. "Remember the size of everyday life" is such a call to action for all writers! I can picture teachers all over the world right now, beckoning their students to look around, slow down, capture their lives on paper-be it stories or poems. Writing requires us to slow down, look and remember. Thank you for your wisdom, Sonata the Crow!

  4. I am playing catch-up tonight.
    Write a poem.
    Write a poem
    so you'll never forge.

    These two lines show and share the importance of poetry. I am sure this experience with Sonata is one she will not forget!
