Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stopping for Beauty and Trail Mix....

Trees Breathe Spring
Photo by Georgia LV

The Dictionary Hike is taking the next two days to watch trees breathe out leaves.  Please scroll on down to Friday's post where you can read about SILVER and SYLVIA Vardell's book and giveaway for THE POETRY TEACHER'S BOOK OF LISTS.

At Sharing Our Notebooks, poet Rebecca Kai Dotlich opens her journals to show us pages, drafts, wordlists, all kinds of treats.  Amble on over there to read, enjoy, and enter the giveway for BELLA AND BEAN and for LEMONADE SUN.

New news!  There is another Dictionary Hike going on in another part of this forest we call the Internet.  Over at TeacherDance, Linda has opened her dictionary up to a wonderful word, and she offers us a gentle poem of wise advice.  So put your boots back on for a spell, and hike to TeacherDance!

I will be spending this weekend continuing to catalog poems in the top tab categories with a goal of getting up to 415 poems organized by Monday.  See you then!

Please share a comment below if you wish.
Like The Poem Farm on Facebook for more poems, articles, and poemquotes!


  1. Nice to have a little breather! I am stopping for a hummus sandwich and a poetry reading this afternoon from the latest issue of Stoneboat, a journal of poetry, prose and artwork. Check us out on FB! We are more for "grown-ups" I will say...

  2. Hope it is going well, Amy. I thought you'd like to know I tried your hike for Sunday, & linked to you. I hope it's okay.

  3. Oh, welcome! I am off to check it out. Here's a water bottle for you! a.
