is a beautiful Poetry Friday, with so much to share. First, I feel
fortunate to give you this poem by Emily Hoock of
Elementary in Lakeview, NY. Emily is second grade, and she is
lucky to have Becky Carlson as her teacher. Becky says, "I put a
community journal next to our nature area (tadpoles, nests, butterflies,
etc.). The kids love writing in it, and one student wrote a very
touching poem about one of our butterflies that died." Thank you to
Emily for allowing us to feel what you felt when you wrote these words:
warm creature
In the wind
On a flower
The butterfly is dead
All alone in heaven
In Mother Nature's heart
Emily Hoock
Grade 2
Becky continues, "One of my favorite things we do in writing is poetry
Georgia Heard's book,
Awakening the
Heart, has lots of great poetry center ideas. We spend the first
week of our poetry unit doing centers to explore different aspects of
poetry. The kids listen to poetry, search for beautiful language in
books, play with words, paint their favorite poetry image, and make
observations and comparisons with items from nature. These centers
really spark the students' enthusiasm for writing poetry."
Thank you,
Becky and Emily, for your willingness to inspire us here today. I invite you to leave Emily a comment on her poem.
For the
past few weeks, my Poetry Friday poems have been all about poems. Last week's poem was inspired by kitten Ashley (who gets a
home today) with
Poem!" The week before, I posted a poem about poems
talking together, "Poems
Talk". And the week before that brought "Science is Like Writing". Today this month-long tradition continues.
Yesterday's mailbox held a treat...a
galley copy of Lee Bennett Hopkins' Dizzy Dinosaurs which happily includes my poem, "Bathtime". Below is a
sneak peek into this funny book. Illustrator Barry Gott said it was "a
hoot to paint", and it's a hoot to read too. Thank you, Lee, for this opportunity.
from Dizzy Dinosaurs: Silly Dino Poems
a HarperCollins I Can Read! book coming in Spring 2011
Edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins &
illustrated by Barry Gott
you, Barry, for permission to share this artwork.)
Poetry Friday is hosted by Stacey and Ruth over at
Two Writing Teachers. Mosey on over there for a taste of all things poetic in the
children's literature blogosphere.
If you read here regularly, I would be grateful if you would share The Poem Farm's address with any friends, teachers, college professors, or families who you think would be interested. I am trying to spread the word and am appreciative of any help.
Happy Poetry Friday!
(Please click on COMMENTS below to share a thought.)