Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Poem Writing Year #197 - Fishy

Fishy Drink
by Amy LV

Yes!  This really did happen to me!  Last Friday, in fact.  I drank fish water.  Luckily for me (and the fish), I did not drink the fish.  However, the whole experience was rather surprising and not one I'd recommend.

Students - you know how sometimes something happens and you think, "I CANNOT BELIEVE this just happened to ME!"  It may be a strange coincidence, a yucky surprise (such as my fish water drink), an unusual injury, or an embarrassing moment.  Whatever it is, you may as well make something good out of it.  Why not make the best of a bad or very-strange experience?

Here are two picture books about children who wish for bigger land-roaming pets but soon come to appreciate their small swimmers.

 Only three days away from the 200 poem mark!  Hooray!

(Please click on COMMENTS below to share a thought.)


  1. This is a great story (in a poem)!! Fun, fun! (I can say that because I'm not the one who drank fish water!!)

    Looking forward to #200!!!!!

  2. Oh I can sympathize! My son used an empty green tea bottle to store what was left from a broken bottle of...let's just say deer hunting AIDE...and I took a drink. Luckily I did not swallow.

    I can see myself using your blog as a teaching resource. The kids will love and be inspired by your work. I've already tagged your site and shared it with my colleagues.

  3. Hi Amy! First of all, you should also read the book "Memoirs of a Goldfish." I heard it's funny and I'm reminded of that with this post. Secondly, I work with Ruth Ayres in Indiana and we are using your poems as mentor texts for our poetry unit in second grade. They love your poetry...especially the ones that have the words "toilet" and "underwear" in them! Shocking, I know. I like the fact that your poems are surprising and you have such variety--sometimes they rhyme, sometimes they don' use rich words, yet your poetry is simple, which really hammers home my teaching. Thanks for letting us use them!

  4. Mary Lee, You keep me going. :) A.
    Mrs. Rogers, Oh my! Poor you! I made a terrible face just reading your note. Please welcome your students to drop me a line or share their work. I'd love to hear how you and your students might find any of this useful. A.
    Christi, I just ordered that book! Thank you tons! It will round out my growing fish book collection. So funny. You have no idea how shocked and honored I was to see your classroom with the poster of my poem on Ruth's post. I sit here in the wee hours, wondering who (anyone?) might read these poems. Knowing that your students are enjoying them (even the silly ones!) warmed my heart tremendously. My husband kept saying, "Those teachers have no idea how happy this is making you!" So, many many thanks to you for touching base. I would love to feature your work with poetry on a future Poetry Friday as in the "Poetry Peeks" on my sidebar if you would be willing. And I'd also love to send a note to your class sometime if you would be willing to share your e-mail address. Happy happy poetry to you, and thank you for taking the time to write! A.
