
Friday, June 9, 2017

To My Kitten - A Poem Can Be About Two Things

Photo by Georgia VanDerwater

Students - Our family is fostering kittens right now, something we love to do and yet have not done in a couple of years.  This means that we are taking care of kittens and their mamas until we can find homes for the kittens. Once we find homes for all kittens, we will give their mamas back to their owners.

It fills us with a lot of joy to watch these little ones grow up.  But it's always a wee bit sad too, because we want to keep them all with us.  

Eliza's Kittens (Eliza is eating!)
Photo by Amy LV

Mamacita and Her Roaming Kittens
Photo by Amy LV (with kitten on right foot)

As I wrote today's poem about these sweet kittens growing up and finding new places to live, growing into big new lives, I realized that I might also be writing about our daughter who graduates from high school this month and will soon be off to New York City for college.  Do you think that a poem can be about two things at the same time? (I do.)

Pay attention to your brain as you write. Sometimes you may think you are writing about one subject, and your brain or heart is thinking about another subject at the exact same time.  Please let me know if this happens to you!

I am thrilled to share that Linda Rief has opened her gorgeous notebooks this week at Sharing Our Notebooks.  That blog is back up and going again, so please visit and leave a comment to be entered into a giveaway of one of Linda's books.  You can find all kinds of notebook inspiration over there!

Mary Lee is hosting today's Poetry Friday roundup over at A Year of Reading with wonderful story poem.  All are always welcome at these weekly gatherings of poetry and friendship.

Please share a comment below if you wish.


  1. Amy, as I read your poem I felt both sadness and joy. It's been many years since my sons left for college and to build their own lives, and I'm so proud of the men they have become. But, there is also a sadness in missing the days when they were little. I wonder if the kittens' mama feels some sadness too, as her babies go off to their new life. Thanks for sharing your touching poem. xo

  2. "wanderwobble" = PERFECTION!

    Thanks be for you and your family and all the kittens you have fostered and placed in forever homes!

  3. We can surprise ourselves when we look back at our poems, can't we? It's hard to let go, whether to kitties or kiddies. Good luck to both of you as you start this new adventure! xo

  4. Amy,

    I think our poetic minds are on the same track today. I posted a favorite poem by Naomi Shihab Nye: "What Is Supposed to Happen." It came to mind yesterday while I watched my older granddaughter play with friends at her end-of-the-year preschool picnic. She goes off to kindergarten in September. She is growing up way to fast!!!

    I hope all you kittens find good homes.

  5. I love wanderwobble and may have to steal it. Once long ago we had a litter of puppies. I understand how torn you are about them growing up and going away. I'm sure your little kitten-daughter is excited about her new adventures. You will always be her roots.

  6. I have to chime in to say how much I love "wanderwobble" and this poem in its entirety. Watching our "kittens" leave the "box" and then move on to other destinations offers both challenges and rewards. The older I get, the more life seems full of these bittersweet moments! Congratulations on your daughter's graduation.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've loved seeing all about those kittens that Georgia, and I guess all of you, are caring for until time to go to their new homes. And now that leaving time connects in another way, Georgia's leaving, too. It is a time I remember well when sending my own off into the world, tough on parents, maybe a little on the kids. New ways of being parents arrive, though, and it is a new kind of joy. I love your poem, Amy, the sweetest capture of a piece of our lives.

  9. Oh, those sweetie, fluffy little balls of wonder!

    Funnily enough, I went to college in my hometown, and it was actually my parents who moved to an island several hours away with they retired. ;-)

  10. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Love the wonderwobble. That's a precise word for those babies. Oh, we love those babies so much. I hope the kitten finds a home that has a place for the poetry it brings with it!

  11. I love wanderwobble. Sad to read about loving a kitten that will leave and even sadder to think of empty nesting. What a privilege we have to be able to have them in their most vulnerable and open to wonder.

  12. Yes - wanderwobble is perfect! Bless those kitties, and you all for caring for them, and your whole family as your baby wanderwobbles off into new adventures. (Cats have shown up at Diane's and my blogs today, too - mrrrow.)

  13. Saying good bye and cutting apron strings is often filled with emotions–your poem, in a lovely way, seems to be talking to both of these changes afoot, good luck with all, and thanks!

  14. Saying good bye and cutting apron strings is often filled with emotions–your poem, in a lovely way, seems to be talking to both of these changes afoot, good luck with all, and thanks!

  15. LOVE the word wanderwobble! As I was reading, I was thinking of my daughter, who left for college last August. I am thrilled with all she is doing and the fantastic young woman she is becoming, but I do miss her, too. Congratulations to your daughter. I hope she has a fabulous year.

  16. Kittens require careful feeding and attention because they are still babies and they still need the care and attention of their mother cat. Best Kitten Foods
