Students - Have you ever read a book that revisits your mind and heart from time to time? Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree is such a book for me. Today I imagined a favorite tree, began thinking about how giving and quiet and strong all trees are. I thought about how grateful I am for trees, and then I remembered the human character in Silverstein's book and the destruction he caused within the few short pages of a book. Somehow, my poem's narrator remembered this book too and chose to make a promise to one special tree.
Today I have a few possible writing ideas you might choose to take on:
1. Write about a favorite tree. You might pretend that you ARE the tree or you might write TO the tree or perhaps you will write ABOUT the tree from a distance.
2. Make a list of books that have stuck with you. Choose one and write about why it sticks with you. You may want to refer to it in a poem or story that you write.
3. Make a promise to a person or a group of people or an animal or a plant or yourself. You might wish to write this promise as a poem or maybe you will want to draw your promise. We become the promises we make.
Cathy is hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at Merely Day by Day with an original poem for this week. Each Friday, all are invited to share poems, poem books, poetry ideas, and friendship in this open and welcoming poetry community.
I wish you loving and strong promises - made for and by you.